23rd TASS - SECTION - 7






Story #




23-1 Origin of the 23d TASS Benn Witterman Gombey 
23-2 Memoirs of a T’d O’d FAC circa 1966 Leo Kimminau Gombey 17
23-3 The Lost War that never was Dick Strong  Gombey 26, Nail 44
23-4 Tall Tail Glenn Bremenkamp Gombey 29, Nail 22
23-5 Cricket West Bill Tilton Gombey 27, Nail 34
23-6 Jack the FAC Jack Labo Nail 53
23-7 SEA Memories John Bollwerk Nail 59
23-8 A Khe Sanh Re-Supply Tale John Bollwerk Nail 59
23-9 KUDY JAY Don Brown and Pat Sweeney Nail 32 and Nail 35
23-10 Then they Came… Don Brown Nail 32
23-11 Air to Air in an Oscar Duck Jerry Stephan Nail 57
23-12 An A Shau Air Force Cross Phil Maywald Nail 48
23-13 Fini Flight #1.in Cricket West Jimmie Butler Nail 12
23-14 Memories of a Monsoon Day Jimmie H. Butler Nail 12

Removing the Darkness From Steel Tiger

Jimmie H. Butler Nail 12
23-16 Not so Merry Christmas ‘67 Pat Weaver Nail 48
23-17 Crash Story -Why? John Bollwerk Nail 59
23-18 A Yellowbirds Tale John Bollwerk Nail 59
23-19 The "Door" Mission Craig Elliot  Nail 20
23-20 AttackingWest of the A Shau Valley Craig Elliot  Nail 20
23-21 FACs and Fighters vs. the REMFs Sheldon Goldberg Owl 01B 
23-22 TFA: A Duck in the Weeds! Pete Lappin Nail 69
23-23 A FANs Tale Errol "E. K." Loving Nail 137
23-24 Street Car 304 SAR 

John McMurty,

Pete Lappin,

Kenny Fields

Nail 66/Nail 69 Strretcar 304
23-25 O-2, OV-10 Maintenance QC William Mullins Moonman
23-26 My Best O-2 FAC Mission Ron Pendelton Nail 53
23-27 SOG and FACs Bill Shelton Blaster, Fatcapper 6
23-28 SOG and the 23d TASS Bill Shelton Blaster, Fatcapper 6
23-29 Lovely Weather Walter W. Want Nail-21
23-30 Back in the Maim Stream Dryden E. Morris Nail 01
23-31 Nothing Is To Good For Our Fighting Troops Ed Cope Nail 120
23-32 The Day that I blew up a Mountain Ray Janes Rash 41, Nail 28
23-33 VC Duck Ray  Janes Rash 41, Nail 28
23-34 Rocket Accuracy and Then Some Jim Glanton Nail 13
23-35 Night Tactics over the Trail Mike Morgenstern Nail 119
23-36 FACing Fred L. Pumroy Nail 21, Zip Gun 21
23-37 The O-2s (less than) Spectacular Performance Gary Tenney Nail 83
23-38 A single engine O-2 Gene Hamner Nail 68
23-39 MIG 21 vs OV10 Mike LaVelle Nail 83
23-40 Lam Son 719 Glenn Wright Nail 66
23-41 How did that Four Star hat become a Nail Hole Trophy? Bob Humphrey Nail 15
23-42 Highs and Lows Bob Humphrey Nail 15
23-43 Sentry at the Nail Hole Door Bob Humphrey Nail 15
23-44 "The Nails" Norbert Simon Nail 17
23-45 That Others May Live/ Bengal 505

James C. Harding,

Clyde Smith

Bengal 505 
23-46 The GIB takes a Hit! John Van Etten Nail 32
23-47 A Night SAR Mission John Van Etten Nail 32
23-48 ARC-Light Near Miss John Van Etten Nail 32
23-49 IMA DOG John Van Etten Nail 32
23-50 Tank Kill with a Willie Pete John Van Etten Nail 32
23-51 The Pave Nail Modification John Van Etten Nail 32
23-52 Oh By the way, 28 Years Later! John Van Etten Nail 32
23-53 What I Did in That Cursed War Quintin Waterman Nail 203
23-54 The Tom and Frank Show Frank Gray Nail 241
23-55 Bronco Bomber Training Dale Hill Nail 49
23-56 Merry Christmas (NOT!) Dale Hill Nail 49
23-57 To the Maintainers Dale Hill Nail 49
23-58 Nine Level Gunner Dale Hill Nail 49
23-59 Laser Guided Bombs Dale Hill Nail 49
23-60 Spin, Puke and Shoot ! Dale Hill Nail 49
23-61 Showing the Flag Dale Hill Nail 49
23-62 My Navy Tour Dale Hill Nail 49
23-63 A Most Unforgettable Zotter Randy Roberts Nail 38
23-64 Aircraft Save Randy Roberts Nail 38
23-65 The Vehicle That . "Never Was" Randy Roberts Nail 38
23-66 The Nail Party Suit Randy Roberts Nail 38
23-67 Humorous After Hours at Ubon Randy Roberts Nail 38
23-68 War story Darrel Whitcomb Nail 25
23-69 After Hours at Ubon Randy Roberts Nail 38
23-70 Combat Leadership!! Cinc Nail!! Dale Hill Nail 49
23-71 A night over the trail: a navigator’s story Mike Morgenstern Nail 119
23-72 The General Gets an Ear Full Mike Morgenstern Nail 119
23-73 The unluckiest truck driver in Laos Mike Morgenstern Nail 119
23-74 Blue Sixteen Darrell Lambert Nail 66
23-75 Two Last Missions Darrell Lambert Nail 66
23-76 Night Nail and the Hunter/Killer Team Don Brown Nail 32
23-77 The Nimrod Song Bill Tilton Gombey 27, Nail 34
23-78 A Nail Night-Fighter Felix ‘Trey’ Moran Nail-13
23-79 IMADOG II J. Pewthers Nail 28
23-80 The Universal "Salute" Mike Whorton Nail 30
23-81 A Big Gun Mike Whorton Nail 30
23-82 The Spider Mike Whorton Nail 30
23-83 Reflections on Lam Son 719 Glenn Wright Covey 593, Hammer 247, Nail 66
23-84 Lovely Weather Walter W. Want Nail-21
23-85 Carter’s Cross Roger Carter  Nail FAC

"You Don’t Know War!"

Mike Whorton Nail 30
23-87 Mission Number Please Darrel Whitcomb Nail 25
23-88 The War in Cambodia Randy Roberts Nail 38
23-89 A Footnote to the Vietnam War Darrel Whitcomb Nail 25
23-90 Tanks Tops And Tracers Jerry Funderburk Nail 65
23-91 A New Guy Tries Gun Hunting Jerry Funderburk Nail 65
23-92 THUNDERCHICKEN, and the Cigar As told to Jim Roper  
23-93 Richard Tenney Gray Dale C. Hill Nail 49
23-94 The Great Banana Tree Massacre Ned Helm  Nail 27/Rustic 15/Bronco 07
23-95 Dear Bud… Howie Pierson Nail 01, Cinc Nail, Commando Clean
23-96 Operation Eagle Pull (The evacuation of Phnom Penh) Wally Hansen Nail 55
23-97 The Mayaguez Incident   The Last Nail Combat Sortie Greg  Wilson Nail 69